Goo-goo-gah-joob. I'm now at 30 weeks. And I haven't been reporting much, as there's little to report on besides continuous expansion. I used to have this little mole right next to my belly-button. I mean right next to it. It's now a foot away from the navel and appears to be making its way around to my back. Continental drift has nothing on me!
Speaking of the belly-button - I have a feeling that it's as 'out' as it's ever going to get. The change there hasn't been so much innie to outie, as much as it's been stretched to ten times it's normal size and now is a sort of flattened carunculation marking the midpoint of the belly.
I'm also gaining about a kilo a week. According to various weight-gain charts, this is about double what I should be gaining. I'm not entirely sure where it's all coming from. I'm not a mass of fluid retention, I don't eat six meals a day, I've even stopped scarfing down huge portions of chocolate and ice-cream. But the weight just keeps on coming. I keep telling myself that dieting can happen later and I shouldn't feel too guilty about what I'm putting away now, as long as there's some semblance of a 'balanced' diet in there somewhere.
Some things I haven't read about pregnancy but I've experienced:
Good days vs bad days. By this, I mean that some days I feel sick as a dog after eating, the Bean seems to be continually prodding me in the least comfortable areas he can find, I sleep miserably, it hurts when I bend over to tie my shoes, I'm out of breath more, and I feel like my stomach is about to tear under the pressure of Bean and his pickling fluid. On good days, I can sit down, and almost forget I'm pregnant. My appetite is 'normal', and I don't feel vile after eating. The stomach skin feels like it's had a huge collagen injection (or what I imagine one would feel like), nice and elastic, and plenty of room for Bean, even when he's kicking up a storm. And on those days, the kicks are more entertaining than annoying, even when it feels like he's got both feet against a rib, and is trying to push off in the other direction. The midwife explained that a lot of this good vs bad can be due simply to Bean's position inside - a breech position is more likely to give me a bad day, and when it's bottoms up, I'll probably feel a little more comfortable. Now I just have to work out how to get him to put the head down a little more often!
Itching. Sure, I've read a lot about people with itchy bellies, but that isn't my problem. All the way through this experience, it's been my back. In the first few weeks it was bad enough that it appeared I had some sort of rash. That faded after a while (and some self-discipline on my part), but lately, the itch has come back. It's not unbearable, just noticeable - mostly because it's impossible to reach! Some days I feel like a portly pony whose only aim is to find a nice fence post to rub against.
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